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RicohПроекторы Ricoh PJ WX4152N — сверхкороткофокусный WXGA / прямой Wi-Fi | WX4152NFeatures and Benefits The PJ WX4152N is outstandingly productive and can be connected to a network (wired and WiFi/Wireless LAN). Its MPEG4 compatibility allows you to take advantage of video, and the 4in1 facility enables connection with four computers simultaneously. Where ceiling height is an issue, this model can fit right near the wall also freeing up space elsewhere in the room. Network connectivity (wired and WiFi/Wireless LAN) Short projection distance MPEG4 compatible to show video 4in1 and quick projection Light in weight and small footprint Unique exterior0 124706124706RUB124706RUB
Проекторы Ricoh PJ WX4152N — сверхкороткофокусный WXGA / прямой Wi-Fi | WX4152N в Междуреченске
Features and Benefits The PJ WX4152N is outstandingly productive and can be connected to a network (wired and WiFi/Wireless LAN). Its MPEG4 compatibility allows you to take advantage of video, and the 4in1 facility enables connection with four computers simultaneously. Where ceiling height is an issue, this model can fit right near the wall also freeing up space elsewhere in the room. Network connectivity (wired and WiFi/Wireless LAN) Short projection distance MPEG4 compatible to show video 4in1 and quick projection Light in weight and small footprint Unique exterior
Review: AYPR 4K Projector with WiFi and Bluetooth, Native 1080P, Ultra-Low Latency
Review: AYPR 4K Projector with WiFi and Bluetooth, Native 1080P, Ultra-Low LatencyReview: AYPR 4K Projector with WiFi and Bluetooth, Native 1080P, Ultra-Low Latency
PT6M58Strue0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTCТОП—4. 📺Лучшие мини проекторы для дома. 🔥Рейтинг 2024. Какой лучше выбрать для просмотра фильмов?
ТОП—4. 📺Лучшие мини проекторы для дома. 🔥Рейтинг 2024. Какой лучше выбрать для просмотра фильмов?ТОП—4. 📺Лучшие мини проекторы для дома. 🔥Рейтинг 2024. Какой лучше выбрать для просмотра фильмов?
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